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[Story of an inventor] - Romane LE SCOUR

02 July 2024 Portrait
Viewed 879 times

Romane Le Scour is a recent 2024 graduate, who joined Rennes SB thanks to the double Master of Science in Innovation & Entrepreneurship with INSA. She hadn't planned to go to business school, but this engineer-by-training has always wanted to keep as many options open as possible in her educational choices, refusing to lock herself into a predefined path.

When INSA, her engineering school, offered her the opportunity to pursue double degree with Rennes SB, Romane seized the chance to discover the business world and broaden her knowledge of a multitude of subjects that she had not previously considered: marketing, law, finance, etc. She has never regretted this decision and says that she also learnt a lot from her fellow students, who had very complementary visions.

  • His job?

In October 2023, Romane and her partner Maxence Guiet officially launched their company: NEOCA, the first bicycle helmet designed as a fashion accessory. Winner of the Lépine competition last month, they have succeeded in combining safety and aesthetics. More than just a technological innovation, their initial idea evolved as they sought to reach their market. With just a few days to go before the delivery of their first orders, the entrepreneurs from Rennes are already thinking about future developments: helmets for children, forecasting the fashion trends of 2025 for their next production run, and reviewing their supply chain.

  • What do you see as the benefits of the Alumni network?

Romane left her family in Finistère early in her adolescence to devote herself to her passion: table tennis. This top-level sportswoman, a member of the French national team up to the baccalaureate, has acquired over the years a real sense of high standards, a steely determination, a taste for hard work and a thirst for discovery thanks to her travels in competition.

  • His greatest achievement?

Having just graduated at the age of 24, Romane can be proud of the fact that she has managed to combine all her projects: athlete, holder of a double Master's degree and entrepreneur.

  • Any advice for recent graduates?

Don't hesitate to take the plunge. When you leave school, you have little to lose (no job, no family responsibilities, no mortgage, etc.). Romane, who had often heard that entrepreneurship was a risky venture, realized that she had everything to gain by trying it out. After a few highly formative months, she already realises that she has learnt ten times more through the NEOCA adventure than she would have in a traditional salaried career. Even if the business fails : Romane never loses: either she wins, or she learns.

  • How can we help him?

NEOCA has many projects. To improve the product, Romane is listening to user feedback: all opinions are welcome! She would also like to expand her distribution network of outlets in France by the end of the year, with plans for international expansion for which she would welcome advice. She can also respond to requests for corporate gifts for employees, to encourage eco-friendly mobility. And to finance all these projects, business angels may also come forward.

👉 Follow Romane LE SCOUR on Linkedin


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