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Call for entries: 2024-2026 Committee

19 April 2024 Network
Viewed 1712 times

The Board


The Committee comprises 10 to 20 members, elected for a renewable 2-year term. Committee members serve on a voluntary basis.


It officially appoints the Board from among its members.

Only "lifelong members" (qualified, up to date with membership fees), enjoying their civil and civic rights, may be elected.

Its role

  • It defines the general policy of the Alumni Association
  • It validates the strategic orientations and the provisional budget proposed by the Board.
  • It gives its opinion on the development of the strategic plan, on major decisions concerning the association, and systematically on financial commitments exceeding 15% of the annual budget.


  • Promote the association, the network and its services
  • They attend quarterly committee meetings and major annual events.
  • Take part in one or more working groups: Club, Ambassadeur de promo, BU, etc.

Election procedure :

  • April 19 - May 19, 2024: candidates declare their wish to stand by filling in this form
  • May 21 - June 4, 2024: Lifetime members of the network vote online to elect the 20 Committee members from among the declared candidates.
  • June 20, 2024: Committee members and Bureau members will be presented to all members at our Annual General Meeting, to be held in Paris and online.

Application deadline: May 19, 2024

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