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Find time for yourself

This event will be organised in French, please switch to French version for further details.

This workshop allows the family pillar, who tends to put others before himself, to find his place in his time-space, to lighten his mental load, and to create his own tempo thanks to his expertise and experience in task management, priorities and time optimisation!

This workshop led by Isabelle BUI (PGE Cohort 1 Alumni), certified professional coach, will allow you to put your expectations in terms of time management and your habits into perspective.

This meeting aims to :
- Allow each person to find what will be useful in their daily life
- To build a toolbox based on shared best practices and the speaker's contributions

Tuesday 28th March 2023
19h00 - 21h30 (GMT +2)
Online event
  • 10 € Lifelong member or student

  • 30 € Member

Registration closed
Isabelle BUI (PGE, 1993)

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Tuesday 28th March 2023
19h00 - 21h30 (GMT +2)
Online event
  • 10 € Lifelong member or student

  • 30 € Member

Registration closed
  • 7 registered
  • Add to my calendar