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HPTI Test Workshop - Discover your leadership profile

This event will be organised in French. We would be glad to organize it in English if we have enough participants. You can take this test in many languages (preferably your mother tongue). Let us know if you are interested. Contact : Maya GRASSI -

Monday 5th June 2023
19h00 - 21h00 (GMT +2)
Online event
  • 100 € Lifelong members & students - 25% discount

  • 215 € Members - 25% discount

Registration closed
Maya GRASSI (PGE, 2011)

Graduate from Rennes School of Business, Maya has 10 years of experience in the field of HR, Recruitment, Talent Management and HR Consulting. She is in charge of the Alumni Career Department and is responsible for building and developing the career offer to improve the employability of the RSB Alumni community. She meets you for "Career Moments" as well as for thematic workshops aiming at improving your employability and your personal development. Certified by Thomas International for the DISC (APP) and HPTI tests, she offers tailor-made support.

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Monday 5th June 2023
19h00 - 21h00 (GMT +2)
Online event
  • 100 € Lifelong members & students - 25% discount

  • 215 € Members - 25% discount

Registration closed
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